Teaching Old Russian sorsery
You will receive traditional witchcraft recipes from me to achieve your goals in love, sex, money, power and health.
I have been teaching an authentic Russian village sorcery since 2009. During this time I have made it as convenient and effective as possible for use in city conditions.
What is the tradition of Old Russian sorcery?
This is an authentic folk system of magic that has stood the test of time. “Old Russian” means “coming from ancient times, before the Schism”. When you turn to a true russom sorcerer for help, 100 per cent of the time he works with it.
Russian magic is based on three foundations:
Zagovor (“incantation”)
An incantation is a verbal formula, which clearly directs the intention of the magician to his goal. It is a code of the programme, which you put into yourself, into the object of influence.
A system of worldview
which I call the Sacral Geography. It is a theory of magic, without which the application of incantation is impossible. In the modern world this Understanding is lost and preserved by me and a small number of magicians:
Tradition of the russian sorcery
Unlike “pseudomagic” Old Russian witchcraft is based on a living tradition of knowledge transfer from master to follower. By taking the course you get the opportunity to touch the Real!
Russian magic is not only the magic of the Slavs, as it contains the knowledge of all peoples of the European part of Russia. Perm, Mordovian, Mari sorcerers apply exactly the same system of sorcery, common to all, only in their own language. This is Ancient Magic coming from the depths of centuries. You have a chance to enter among the chosen practitioners of real magic.
I have created my special course of Russian Witchcraft for Westerners, as well as anyone who knows English.
The cost is $1000 for level 1
You can find out about the terms of the training by writing to my email: magiaforvip@gmail.com
I conduct many courses in Russian about traditional Russian magic and you can read them using google translate. Many of these training courses will soon be available in English.